Individual and other exhibits (selection):
1971 Mannheim- Galerie am Wasserturm
1973 Ludwigshafen - Bürgermeister Ludwig Reichert Haus
1976 Neustadt/Weinstraße - Kunstverein Neustadt
1976 Essen - Kunstkabinett Henkel
1977 Jockgrimm-Zehnthaus
1981 Mannheim- Galerie Weng
1982 München/Garching- City Hall
1986 Bad Dürkheim- Kreissparkasse
1990 Budapest- GalerieLajosSamoday
1993 Mußbach- Herrenhof / Kelterhaus- Neustadt/Weinstraße
Other exhibits (selection):
1964 Bad Dürkheim: Annual exhibit by artists from Mittelhaardt in the Kurbrunnenhalle
1966 Ludwigshafen: The ‘DerAnker’ Artists' Society
1968 Kaiserslautern, Pfalzgalerie: Art exhibit of the province
1968 Straßburg: Lorient
1969 Pasadena / Berlin
1971-1986 The annual exhibit of the Deidesheim Artists' Circle
1971 Mainz, Art exhibit of the province
1973 Koblenz, Art exhibit of the province
1973 Deidesheimer Stadthalle: Ars phantastica
1975 Weinheim/Bergstraße - ‘Spirale’ Art Group
1978 Trier- Art exhibit of the province, Rheinland-Pfalz
1982 Munich: GaleriederKünstlerimVölkerkunde-Museum: Dreams, Nightmares
1983 Bensheim/Bergstraße- Galerie: With H.P. Kolb, Werner Holz and Hermann
1986 München - Kulturzentrum Gasteig: With
Peter Frohmader
1986 Landau, Villa Streccius: "Pfälzische Phantasten" (The Pfalz Fantastics)
1987 Rolandseck: "Pfalzische Phantasten" (The Pfalz Fantastics)
1987 Kircheimbolanden: "Pfälzische Phantasten" (The Pfalz Fantastics)
1987 Munich: Galerie am Alten Hof
1988 Schloß Fußgönnheim
1988 Mosbach
1993 Herrenhof-Mußbach in Kälterhaus, Great RetrospectiveExhibit
1996 Munich, Anton Fingerle Zentrum: "Begegnungen"-Giesinger Kulturtage
1998 Mußbach-Herrenhof-“Der Faden der Ariadne“ (Ariadne'sThread)
International exhibit: Fantastic and Visionary Art
1999 Figueras: European meeting of surrealist and fantastic artists.
Radio and television appearances
1971 Südwestfunk, Baden-Baden: Film by GustavAdolfBähr on the inaugural exhibit of
the Deidesheim Artists' Circle
1973 Television film by Manfred Nebel about the
1973 ‘ArsPhantastica’ exhibit by the Deidesheim Artists' Circle
1976 Preview to the ‘Augenblicke’(Moments) television series on Südwestfunks
1979 Artistic consultant to the ARD television film
‘Die realen Utopien des Hieronymus Bosch’ (The true utopias of Hieronymus
1982 Book by Dr. Hans Blin and HartmutFrien: ‘KünstlerderPfalz’ (The artists from
1986 Book from Garamond Publishers: ‘PfälzischePhantasten -
WegederKunstnachHieronymusBosch’ (Fantastics from Pfalz - the art's road
after HieronymusBosch)
1986 Television film by Eberhard Schulz:" Die Erben des Hieronymus Bosch"
(Theheirs of Hieronymus Bosch)
1986 Film by the Bavaria television station: "Blau-Weiss" (Blue-White)
1998 Television film by Manfred Hattendorf, for the SWF and 3Sat channels:
“DerFadenderAriadne“ (Ariadne's Thread)